Friday, January 21, 2011

This is Why I'll Gain 5 Pounds Next Month

We try (as much as possible) to cook and write about locally-sourced, organically-grown, healthy food.

But it's Girl. Scout. Cookie. Season.

Cookie Season, folks!

It's the time of year we throw caution to the wind and shell out big bucks for a taste of heaven, tradition, whatever. Our incredibly talented friend Francesca

said it best in her award-winning public radio commentary (scroll down and click on Girl Scout Cookies).

Have we whet your appetite? Do you need your fix? You've got several options:

1. If you're in Birmingham, place an order by leaving a comment after this post. We'll hook ya up! Proceeds go to help Hannah's troop fund its trip to Savannah this fall and Olivia's troop fund its trip to Switzerland in 2013.

2. If you're elsewhere in the U.S., check this site to find out how to buy cookies near you.

3. If you're one of our international readers (hello new friends in Canada, Russia, France, Australia, Netherlands, United Kingdom!!), you can make the cookies at home. Here's a link to some copycat recipes.


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